Games for civics op ed published in New Thinking

Illustration by Nikki Muller (New Thinking magazine)

The majority of Americans know little about civics and government; video games could prove the unorthodox solution to our miseducation. This is the topic of Professor Lien Tran’s second op ed as a Public Voices fellow with The OpEd Project. On February 4, 2023, New Thinking magazine published her op ed entitled “The Game of Life: Leveraging Tech for Civics Education“. Educators… Continue reading Games for civics op ed published in New Thinking

Dwell wins GLS Creativity and Design Award

Lien Tran receives Creativity and Design award at the 2022 Games+Learning+Society conference in Irvine, CA.

Judges for the 2022 Games+Learning+Society conference’s game showcase awarded Dwell the Creativity and Design award in June 2022 in Irvine, CA.  The games showcase selections were double-blind peer-reviewed. 30+ games were selected for showcase, and a panel of expert judges reviewed the games for award consideration. There were a total of four awards, 1 of… Continue reading Dwell wins GLS Creativity and Design Award